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Infastaub filter units for glass production

Glass is one of the oldest raw materials at all. The first produced glassware dates back to 3,500 B.C. and was found in Egypt.

The fundament for modern glass technology was laid end of the 19th century by Otto Schott (1851-1935), chemist and glass technician. New production technologies and possible applications are developed to date. This also at the company Zippe in Wertheim. Since more than 90 years the company has a worldwide leading position for glass batch house technology and cullet processing.

In a batch plant the required raw materials for glass production are stored in silos, from there charged into container scales and weighed according to the later glass composition. Afterwards the raw materials are mixed and transported to the glass melter via conveyor belts or buckets.

A new glass factory for bottle glass in Mexico is equipped by Zippe with a fully automatic batch house including raw material transport and cullet recycling. With this plant the glass raw material is transported into the melter in exactly the required composition and homogeneity.

For dustfree production and transport processes, Zippe counts on filter units of Infastaub. Also for the Mexican glass plant 24 filter units of INFA-JET AJN series were ordered. Each one will de-dust volume flows of 60 - 1,500 m³/h with a filter surface of 1 - 45 m². The requested residual dust contents are limited to 10 mg/m³.

„We successfully cooperate with Infastaub for many years, because the company has a comprehensive expertise in the field of de-dusting. Furthermore we value the focused and customer-oriented performance. Filter units of Infastaub perfectly suit our technical and economic demands“, says Günther Mlynar, Managing Director Technical & Sales at Zippe.

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