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De-dusting „through the wall“

Processing highly effective substances can be dangerous. A simple solution in order to secure operating personnel could be full-body protective suits. An alternative are containment solutions. They prevent spreading of the highly effective substances. Filter systems need to comply with containment standards, too.

Processing highly effective substances can be dangerous. A simple solution in order to secure operating personnel could be full-body protective suits. This sounds simple in theory, but practically it is an uneconomic solution, because staff can only work for a short time under these conditions. As a result, production costs would be driven up. In addition, these suits would protect the staff, but they can‘t prevent, that the plant periphery would be contaminated with the product.

For this reason, containment solutions exist. They prevent spreading of the highly effective substances. Filter systems, that are integrated in the production process, also need to comply with containment standards. A possibility for this purpose are so-called safe-change systems. Filter elements and dust collecting bins can be changed contactless with this method. In combination with the „through the wall design“ it is additionally secured, that only little space is needed in the production area and even in case of an operating error the engineering room, that should not be contaminated, keeps clean.

The „through the wall design“ describes the installation of a process unit into a clean room wall. Only the openings necessary for processing and the operating elements are serviced from the production area. The main part of the unit protrudes out of the engineering room. Infastaub‘s filter series Infa-Micron MKR for pharmaceutical applications can be provided with this feature.

A two-stage police filter of this design was ordered by a German job order contractor for pharmaceutical products. It dedusts a fluidized bed system. By integration of the cassette filter in the rear wall of the production room, the engineering room won‘t be contaminated.

The filter cassettes of the first filter stage are realised in filter class F9. The second filter stage is intended with filter class H13 in order to achieve a separation efficiency of > 99.95 %. The guaranteed residual dust content lies at < 0.001 mg/m³. Change of filter cassettes is carried out by the so-called safe-change method.

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